Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Ghee (for adharas' or other appropriate recipes)

It occurred to me that not everyone might know how to make ghee. Here's how adharas makes it.

So heat unsalted butter over medium, and watch till brown solids appear on bottom. while liquid, you can decant it into the container you want to store it. The brown proteins will stay behind. Use this pot to cook your rice, or soup or whatever you wish, and it will have the lovely aroma of ghee. Ghee will keep at room temperature, covered, for several months.

Note: The amount of butter does reduce, so if you're making just enough for a recipe, make sure to start with about a 1/3 to 1/2 more butter than you need.

Subversive Note for Lazy People: Many grocery stores sell Ghee these days.

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